9.24.2010 | By: sanitymochas

The Days that Pass

It's my relief;
but my biggest pain.
It's easy;
but most difficult.
I want it so badly;
but am afraid to lose.
You say you envy;
spare yourself the pain,
the fear,
the knowledge,
the want,
the youth,
the yearning,
the reality.
The pain of knowing if your arm
were an inch longer you could reach it,
the fear of ruining something unbelievably perfect,
the knowledge of the Truth,
the want that pushes you towards the wrong,
the youth that you 'want to protect'
but can't shed fast enough,
the yearning of having a companion that holds you forever,
never letting go,
the reality that ends your illusionary high.
The immediate pain is enough to crush,
but the eventual relief liberates.
Then there is the hope,
harder to see
but distinct in the future.
It draws closer with every passing day.

Thank you to those who help us to see through the fear, knowledge, want, youth, yearning, and reality... without you the hope would be lost.


That Guy said...

That was the best blog you have made Sanity Mochas, your the only light I have to look forward to at the end of every day.

-Peanut Butter-

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