10.30.2010 | By: sanitymochas

Two More Reasons

Among all of my other responsibilities in this world, I am a big sister to two incredible kids. I have an eight year old sister, A, who has Downs-Syndrome, and a barely six year old brother, G. Both are full of life and vivacious boldness that can only be found in little ones. Most days I have to exert all of my powers of patience towards tolerating their... flaws. On the other hand there are those days in which their smiling faces bring joy to my heart. Yesterday was one such day. My brother's hand waving vigorously two inches from my face was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes and his big brown eyes followed. "Good morning, Sister! (giggle, giggle, giggle)" Oh boy! It's here again. Strangely enough his company wasn't as annoying as I usually find it; in fact, it was unexpectedly pleasant. It was only a matter of minutes and who follows, but A, she too on the hunt for my attention. Both immediately snuggled into my full sized bed... ugh... tight, tight fit! Still not completely back to my senses, I only listened to their giggles and their hushed bickering, as if I didn't know they were there. It was completely adorable and a great way to start my Friday. The entire day I had one or the other attached to my hip.

Their persuasions were irresistible as they entreated me to help them carve a pumpkin. And not just any old pumpkin, a pirate pumpkin. How could any loving big sister deny such a request? Bet you couldn't guess what I spent most of my morning doing! Yes, our pumpkin was complete with mustache, ears, an earring, and most importantly a three-corners hat. My artistic abilities are not quite as well-developed as I would like them to be, however they were thrilled with the finished product. It was quite something.

Throughout the rest of the day I found that since G turned six, he's become quite good at playing the Wii! Not only do I have to try, I really have to TRY! And the depressing thing is he still beats me a good 50% of the time.

They both are growing and changing faster than I realized and are completely different kids than they were at the beginning of the summer. It's incredible to watch and to be a part in raising two terrific people. They are two more reasons for me to be better than I am; I'm sure they'll be watching. I love you guys!


That Guy said...

Your family sounds awesome, and that your brother and sister love you to death.

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