You find out lots of things when you're sick. For instance, I now know that the ceiling light in my room looks distinctly like a pig, and when the sun reaches it's zenith, the crystals that hang from my windows dance in the warmth like fairies. It was after 24 hours of realizations like these that I began to go stir crazy and decided to embark on a Spider Man marathon. I've seen all three movies individually, but had never really embraced them as my own. This time while watching the series I identified with the continuing thread. It is a single piece of advice given to Peter by his Uncle Ben: With great power comes great responsibility. These words significantly alter the course of life that Peter chooses and the decisions he makes as he becomes Spider Man.
Now obviously none of us are Spider Man; however, it dawned on me that this advice is incredibly true and is applicable to everyone. Whether or not we choose to acknowledge it, we all have power in one form or another. For instance, we have the power to influence our own decisions and to develop our characters the way we see fit. This brings about the responsibility to use our personalities and resources for the better. Just as easily we can be unconsciously detrimental to those around us. Who hasn't at one point or another been affected by a random person who you happen to pass in daily life? This could have been a person who gave you a kind glance and bolstered up your confidence, or it could be a jerk who cut you off and made you spill your amazing mocha. Either way, you were affected, and both were equally as memorable. The power we have is vast and insatiable.
Some people spend their whole lives chasing the wind, trying to attain a more substantial life. But honestly, is their power going to increase? Are the people they affect going to remember them in a good way if their only goal is to be bigger and better than everyone else regardless of who is in their way? Hardly! Its is the little people that can make a big difference in this world. Remember: With great power comes great responsibility. So it got me thinking... what will I be responsible for today?
Needless to say, I have become a closet Spider Man fan. Shhhh.... don't tell the girls!
Spide-man is the best!!!! Who doesn't love him?
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