9.25.2010 | By: sanitymochas

Silly Bandz vs. Leather Bracelets

There are two types of girls: those that wear silly bandz and those who rock out a leather bracelet. Reasons for the particular girl's choice vary. Those who wear silly bands either a) actually think they're cool, b) wear them because everyone else does, or c) they were cheap at dollar general, so, why not? All of these girls are widely accepted and viewed as sweet, normal, gurly girls. On the other hand, when someone sees a girl with a leather bracelet they immediately come to the conclusion that they are definitely a punk who has serious problems and cannot be trusted.  I have a clarification to make on behalf of teenage girls everywhere. Consider the following: a girl with a leather bracelet very well might be a a) punk rock/edgy chick, b) a stereotypical hard core poser, or c) she just might have a boyfriend!!! Then what happens when you see a girl with Silly Bandz AND a leather bracelet? Is the assumption that she is a gurly girl with issues??? Or is she just a gurly girl with a boyfriend??? hmmm.... That is up to personal assessment and the viewer's outlook.

I am not at liberty to say of which general category I fall into, however I can say this: Don't judge a book by it's cover... you may miss out on the story of a lifetime.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting well I dont have a bf and I love my leather bracelet sooo where am I?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that make you the punk rock/edgy chick? Hey... you've been trying at that for as long as I can remember!!!

That Guy said...

That was pretty cool blog. I wear a black leather watch and im a guy so where am I at? Lol jk. Awesome blog and I from now on wont judge a book by its cover.

-Peanut Butter-

Anonymous said...

haha ok just making sure I wasnt the poser lol

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