10.28.2010 | By: sanitymochas

October 28th... TWICE!

There is a point where the human body drops out of complete and total exhaustion. For me, that point was about seven hours ago. Have you ever tried riding a horse over a course of jumps on the first bitter day of winter after being awake for nearly forty-eight hours? Let me tell you... it is a very, very BAD combination! My horse was feeling quite well today and decided he would much rather plow over the jumps that actually jump them. And honestly... I was too tired to care. I came home, still did not care, showered, and sat down. Another very bad idea. I kept telling myself I was awake, and I thought I was awake, but I definitely was not awake. An hour later I woke up only to realize that no matter how hard I may try, my eyes would not be opened. This pattern repeated itself until I finally gave in to the reality that I had no choice but to let the liberating veil of sleep encompass me. And at nine o'clock pm I awakened with a start to find that I had been sleeping for six hours. The only thing to greet me back into the world of living the was a blinding headache, a strange craving for spaghetti, and a need to write something. So as the world is winding down and most will be snuggling in for the night, I begin the day of October 28th all over again.


That Guy said...

Thats a really cool way of thinking it that way, that you lived the day twice. Im gonna start saying that now. lol

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