12.15.2010 | By: sanitymochas


Uh oh… it’s happening again.  My life is starting to spin uncontrollably into the future, and things are moving forward at an alarming pace. I’m determining what route in life I want to pursue and meeting all sorts of people that will most likely have a significant impact of my future. It’s overall quite exciting, but then again it’s frightening. The years when I can say, “I don’t know yet, but I’ve got a few more years to decide,” are slipping away. Suddenly I have decisions that no one else can make for me, and I have responsibilities that only I can tend to. How’s a girl supposed to handle that?

Just the other day I went to one of my nine cousins basketball game, and it’s amazing how much we’ve all changed! With the oldest cousin off to college and the rest of us following close behind, something doesn’t feel right. We are leaving our puerile ways! To any person that has grown into venerable senescence, our ages would seem only to be the very beginning of the callow stages. But to us, it feels as though we have conquered major levels in the game called life. Sometimes I know we all feel invincible, and the thought that someday we will have to experience the superannuated life that others around me cope with daily is unreal. Then again, I remember thinking 2010 would never start, and here it is almost over! Before I get a chance to stop and establish where I am, I’m a year older and with that come many more expectations from those around me.

 I look back to when my cousins and I were little and our whole obligation in life was to enjoy a good game of hide and seek and a freezer treat. Those days were nearly perfect, but it didn’t seem like it at the time. A scraped knee felt like the end of the world, and believe me, I got those A LOT! The times when we were so carefree are forever lost in history, and then I stop to think about today. Will I look back at this very moment and wish I could be back in my childhood room writing a blog instead of paying bills? What are the “scraped knees” in my life now? Everything seems much bigger than that, but I’m sure to someone older and wiser my issues would seem minute.

Ugh… Time changes everything and cannot be stopped. What next? Only time itself will tell.


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