12.30.2010 | By: sanitymochas

Southern Belle of the Tourist Type

Well, Y'all, I'm writing to you from a quaint little hotel in Missouri called the Drury Inn. The occasion for me being away from home isn't that great, being as I'm here for my aunt's funeral, but I am thoroughly enjoying the small town Southern charm. It is so different from the fast pace world of central Illinois! People talk slow, they eat slow, they laugh loud. Altogether refreshing.

My big sister, my parents, and I started on our journey South at precisely 9:00PM. Why we couldn't wait to come down tomorrow is beyond me, but then again, I'm just the passenger in the matter. By 9:30PM I was exhausted and had a blazing headache. I would have done anything for a decent Mocha Frapp! 10:00PM came and went and BEHOLD!!! The Promised Land! Exit 98B. Starbucks!! YESSS!!! Suddenly I wasn't drowsy at all, and the only thing I could think of was getting to my desperate desire as quickly as humanly possible. Being as everyone else had to go to the bathroom anyway, they consented and dived into Starbucks' parking lot. I practically jumped out of the car before I realized that all the lights were off in the building. That's funny. Must have forgotten to pay the electric. Yeah, they were freaking closed! How in the world could Starbucks be closed? Not cool.

I looked to my right for another option. Mobil station. Eh. And to the left was McDonald's. This was probably the most unappealing option that could have come into play for several reasons. Number 1: The whole building was under construction. Number 2: The particular McDonald's holds several piercing memories that are altogether too fresh. Number 3: McCafe is grody!!!

Dad had to go to the bathroom. Right then. McDonald's it is.

I go in the door, get hit with a heavy pit in my stomach, and suddenly loose all appetite for the Mocha Frapp I was craving. It took me the whole ten minutes everyone was in the bathroom for me to finally decide that memories or not, I had to eat. And what else would one order at McDonald's at almost 10:30PM? A large fry, Baby! My big sis then reminded me that I was consuming probably close to 1,000 calories. So, your point is? Thankfully, I still have a working metabolism!

The fries weren't nearly as good as I thought they were going to be, but combined with an Ibuprofen and a glass of water, they succeeded in subsiding my splitting headache.

Onward and upward we trod! We detoured straight through the heart of St. Louis. I love that city! It isn't at all as intimidating as other cities I've been through. Besides, the Arch is incredible! Before I die, I HAVE to get to the top of that thing! So beautiful, and completely enthralling.

Two hours later, after consuming some Jalapeno Cheetos, gummy Life Savers, and coasting down the biggest/longest hill I have ever encountered, we arrived at our current destination. And to think! It's only shortly after 2:00AM! Not bad at all!

Even though this was the last place on earth I had any desire to spend the end of my week and I was practically drug along, I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting few days. My father dear has many a places he has to go to get his favorite BBQ, the best coke, etc. Plus, I'm privileged to spend a few days with cousins I barely ever see and who i enjoy very much.

So in the words of our hotel concierge, "Y'all have a good night, ya hear? Breakfast ends at 9:30, now."

Yeah, soo not getting up for that :)


Anonymous said...

haha sounds like an interesting trip :) Ive been to the top of the arch we should deff go together :)

sanitymochas said...

:) Oh, we will.

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